Celebrating their fifth year, the Top Women in Security ASEAN Region awards officially opened on International Women’s Day for nominations to recognize women who have advanced the security industry within the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN).
Nominations are scheduled to close on May 30.
This initiative is co-organized by the Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA) and MySecurity Marketplace which includes ASEANtechsec.com, Cyber Risk Leaders Magazine and Asia Pacific Security Magazine.
The initiative is supported by leading industry organizations, bringing together key chapters of premier, global security industry associations and professional women in security groups in Singapore. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand.
The Top Women in Security ASEAN Region awards seeks to expand out to all ASEAN countries following very successful Top Women in Security Awards in the previous four years.
A panel of eight esteemed Judges have been appointed from the region and an opening cohort of Ambassadors, comprising of previous winners and Judges have been introduced this year. Award categories include Country by Country Awards and security domains include cybersecurity, electronics, physical, protective and management roles.
To get involved and nominate visit womeninsecurityaseanregion.com. Self-nominations are welcome.