According to the survey conducted by SearchInform, 46.4% of Thai companies’ representatives noticed an increase in information security incidents caused by employees during this year. Moreover, 35,7% of them named internal incidents as the most dangerous ones in comparison to external attacks.
On the opinion of 46,4% interviewed, employees more frequently tend to leak data by accident, while 35,7% believe that insiders more often cause such incidents deliberately. At the same time over 57% of respondents admitted facing data-related incidents due to employee mistake.
In addition, more than half of the respondents revealed that the organization they work in experienced an attempt by discharged employees to leak data (50%) and access corporate infrastructure via personal account (32,1%) or with the help of onboard employees (28,6%).
The majority of those who were interviewed by SearchInform claimed that personal data leaks happen more often in comparison to other types of data. 21,4% of survey participants named law information, accounting and financial documents as frequently leaked ones.
*Data protection tools implemented by Thai companies, mentioned by those who were surveyed.
“We are not surprised by the fact of low information security protection among Thai businesses and public sector institutions, this is a quite common picture we are getting across the region. 75% of respondent companies implemented antivirus, but even this solution is not used by all. What do we know about DLP? Companies in Thailand are at the beginning of the journey – only over 14% of organizations have implemented DLP. However, it is critical to protect the data at least for the purpose of compliance to local and international laws. SearchInform solutions are just the thing to help business meet all the requirements”, said Alexey Pinchuk, Chief Business Development Officer of SearchInform.
Interestingly the percentage of Thai companies, that notified the affected parties in the aftermath of a data leak and those, that didn’t notify anyone was equal – to 25%.
The top-3 of riskiest channels in terms of data leaks, according to the research, are cloud storage, storage devices (USB) and mobile devices, and email. The messengers as the riskiest channel was named by 21,4% of Thai companies’ representatives.
To sum up, almost half of Thai companies experienced information security incidents caused by insiders during the last year. About 36% of those who were surveyed named internal attacks more dangerous than external ones.
Near half of respondents believe that employees tend to leak data by accidents while more than 50% of surveyed experienced such incidents in the past. The most widespread type of information security incident was a data leakage, the half of those who surveyed experienced data loss caused by a discharged employee. The most frequent information security incident was data leakage, while cloud storage was named as the most dangerous communication channel in terms of information security risks.
*The survey was conducted by SearchInform among 28 representatives of Thai companies from both governmental and non-governmental organizations.