Singapore Hosts a Successful Black Hat Asia 2024

Black Hat has wrapped up the in-person component of Black Hat Asia 2024, an annual cybersecurity event in Singapore.
Over 3000 security professionals from 81 countries attended the event to see firsthand the latest in vulnerability research, development, and trends in information security through more than 40 Briefings. The program also included four days of technical hands-on training sessions, over 25 sponsored sessions, and 60 in-person tool demonstrations spanning exploitation and ethical hacking, artificial intelligence, machine learning, application security, cyber-physical systems, the internet of Things, and more.
“Singapore and the wider region have a very strong cybersecurity community and Black Hat is honored to be a part of it,” said Steve Wylie, Vice President, Cybersecurity Market Group at Informa Tech. “We are grateful to our community, partners, and sponsors in coming together with a shared goal to protect the vital public and private-sector industries in the region.”
Keynote speakers this year included David Koh, Singapore’s first Commissioner of Cybersecurity, the founding Chief Executive of the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore, and Chief (Digital Security & Technology) at the Ministry of Communications and Information; and Ruimin He, Singapore’s Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, the Singaporean government’s Deputy Chief Digital Technology Officer, and a member of the United Nations High-level Advisory Body on AI.
Further Black Hat events in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia are scheduled across the remainder of 2024 and into 2025.

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