Peter De Ieso, FLIR CVS Distribution Manager receives Best New Product award from Kobe Johns, ASIAL Exhibition Manager and sponsor Brad Howarth from Verint Systems.
A ‘virtual’ perimeter-fence alert system using thermal imaging cameras has taken out the Best New Product award at Security2011 – Australia’s largest security conference and exhibition.
The winning nomination, FLIR Systems Thermal Fence, is a fully integrated virtual perimeter alert system which uses thermal security cameras for simultaneous threat detection and assessment.
The FLIR Thermal Fence is a unique combination of thermal security cameras, video analytics software and other intrusion detection sensors.
Held in Sydney, Security2011 is organised by The Australian Security Industry Association Ltd (ASIAL) – the peak national body representing approximately 85% of the security industry in Australia from large corporate entities to small and medium sized operations.
FLIR, a leading manufacturer of thermal imaging cameras, says Thermal Fence is a turnkey solution for integrating and displaying the status and feedback from all perimeter security sensors on one convenient display.
This potent combination of FLIR’s thermal security cameras and the FLIR Sensors Manager (FSM) software provides automated perimeter approach surveillance, intrusion detection and alert capabilities for every perimeter security application including critical infrastructure, petro-chemical facilities, nuclear facilities, commercial campuses and residential installations.
Thermal security cameras make pictures from heat not light, so they can see clearly in total darkness and through smoke, dust and light fog. They allow you to see more and see farther than any other night vision technology on the market today, and even see clearly in bright sunlight.
In its simplest form, a Thermal Fence could be a single thermal security camera and a box of FLIR Sensor Manager software. With these simple components, you can establish a virtual perimeter, create customized alarms and tripwires to alert you instantly to potential intrusions.
Or it can be as complex as you need it to be. Integrate lots of thermal cameras, CCTV cameras, and non-video alarm sensors like shaker fences and RFIDs on your existing IP network for a seamless, layered perimeter defence system.
Less expensive than installing a new physical barrier and less intrusive than an expensive lighting infrastructure, the FLIR Thermal Fence allows security professionals to:
• Boost their alarm detection and assessment capabilities along existing physical fence lines
• Establish a virtual perimeter in areas that cannot be fenced due to economic, environmental, or logistical restrictions
• Bolster the security of critical zones within existing secured perimeters by creating exclusion zones and establishing concentric rings of increasingly stringent security coverage
About FLIR
FLIR has six manufacturing plants located in the USA (Portland, Boston and Santa Barbara), Sweden (Stockholm), France (Paris) and Estonia (Tallinn) and operates direct sales and service offices in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan and Australia. The company numbers over 1,400 dedicated infrared specialists, and serves international markets through a network of regional offices providing sales and support functions.
For further information please contact:
FLIR SYSTEMS Australia Pty Ltd
10 Business Park Drive, Notting Hill
Victoria, Australia 3168
Tel :+61(3)9 550 28 00
Fax:+61(3)9 550 98 53
e-mail: info@flir.com.au