Deakin University has been granted approval by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to proceed with an international branch campus in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
In collaboration with Lancaster University (United Kingdom), the innovative joint campus will support the educational and research aspirations of the Indonesian Government and deliver social, cultural and economic benefits for Indonesia.
Professor Iain Martin, Vice-Chancellor of Deakin University, says the campus supports Deakin’s aspirations to design and implement distinctive, hybrid transnational education partnerships that provide long lasting value for students, partners and Deakin.
“Indonesia is expected to make great strides as a global economy in the next few decades, and as a neighbour of Australia there is enormous potential for mutually beneficial collaboration. Once in operation, Deakin will use the joint campus as a base from which we will continue to build our links with local institutions and industry while connecting our students, staff and communities to Indonesia.”
The Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia campus has received strong support from Australian and British Governments. The partnership is the first UK-Australia overseas joint campus and will offer a unique combination of Australian and British degree subjects approved by national regulators in Australia, the UK and Indonesia.
The campus will bring together world-class expertise in teaching, learning and research to advance Indonesia’s reputation as an appealing international education destination, and support students from Indonesia and around the world to realise their study ambitions.
Students will have the opportunity to obtain dual undergraduate qualifications from two world-class institutions while enjoying the many benefits of living and working close to home, supported by their families and peers. Five undergraduate programs will initially be offered in the areas of Business and Information Technology, with a first intake proposed for September 2024.
“By offering programs in these areas we aim to equip graduates with the skills required to meet industry demands and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth,” says Professor Martin.
Deakin and Lancaster both have a reputation for world-leading education and research, and extensive experience in international education. They also have a global footprint of partnerships that complement each other well.
The two universities are committed to investing in a campus that delivers the best possible student experience. They have a longstanding collaboration in student mobility and research, especially between the business schools, which includes two-way student exchange, study tours and work-integrated learning projects.
“Establishing a joint campus in partnership with Lancaster University represents an important milestone in Deakin’s long history of engagement with Indonesia. Lancaster is a leading British university and research-intensive institution with a strong focus on delivering high-quality teaching and it has an impressive offshore transnational education delivery record,” says Professor Martin.
Andy Schofield, Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster University, says Lancaster is the first UK university to receive approval to open an international branch campus in Indonesia.
“Lancaster is committed to making a positive contribution, building our global community of students and, with our partners, making a positive impact to the areas in which we operate. During my own visits to the country, I have very much appreciated the warm welcome and support we have received, and we look forward to even closer engagement with stakeholders as we move forward with our shared plans.”
Global education provider Navitas will lead on operational delivery of the campus, building on its existing partnerships with both universities.
Scott Jones, CEO of Navitas, says the launch of the Indonesia campus is part of Navitas’s commitment to help universities reach more students in new locations, and to improve access to quality education around the world through branch campuses that deliver exceptional student experiences and academic outcomes.
“This exciting and innovative project builds on our track record of delivering transnational education in partnership with universities around the world,” he says. “It represents what is possible when world-class education providers work together to respond to the global needs, challenges and demands of students, industries and governments.”
The initiative supports Deakin’s commitment to work with local and international partners to enable flexible and non-traditional pathways to a Deakin education. In the long term, the campus will see the development of joint research focused on Indonesia in collaboration with other Indonesian institutions.
This will be Deakin’s second international branch campus, with the University’s GIFT City Campus in India officially opening last week.