Top 30 Women in Security ASEAN Region 2024 | Virtual Award Ceremony


The Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards is celebrating its fifth year and was originally initiated as part of a global campaign by the Women in Security and Resilience Alliance (WISECRA). This initiative has continued and remains open to all ASEAN member countries and those active in the region, bringing together key chapters of premier, global security industry associations and professional women in security groups.

This year we had eight esteemed Judges and supported by our inaugural Ambassadors of former winners and judges.

Finalists are each acknowledged and have an opportunity to come on screen to accept their Certificate and say a few words.

Following the Top 30 we announce and recognise each of the Award Category & Country Winners:

(in order of announcement)

Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Risk & Resilience Award
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Cybersecurity Award
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Cyber Risk Leader (Open Category)
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Security Trainer or Educator
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Security Researcher
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Electronic Security Award
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Security Professional Ambassador (Open Category)
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Singapore
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Malaysia
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Brunei
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Philippines
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Thailand
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Cambodia
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Vietnam
Top Women in Security ASEAN Region – Country Award – Indonesia
Top Woman in Security ASEAN Region

For more information visit Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards 2024 –



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