Thailand’s Ministry of Interior’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) has partnered with VNU Asia Pacific to strengthen the awareness and importance of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Apart from DDPM, REDCON Asia is supported by other thought leader organizations in the field including speaker representations from UNDRR, UNESCAP, IRC, Mekong Institute, KMUTT’s School of Architecture and Design, Prepared International, ASSIST, and i4gr among others.
REDCON stands for Resilience on Emergency & Disaster Conference, which is set to take place on 7-9 December 2021 at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand. With the theme “People-Centered Approach Towards Resilience in Disasters and Emergency Action,” REDCON Asia will focus on the most impacted to be the centerpiece of the discussions and solutions – envisioning to engage stakeholders in the value chain that goes beyond risk reduction towards resilience.
In a statement, DDPM said, “We, at DDPM, are excited to support REDCON Asia. We live in very interesting times – and its now, more than ever – that discussions on disaster risk management and mitigation should be brought into the forefront. Reducing disaster risks and implementing effective emergency response to disasters in Thailand is at the forefront of DDPM’s mission. And we hope to share our experiences to our colleagues in the region with the hopes of learning from each – and from the various experts present at REDCON Asia – to move forward on our collective goals in protecting our citizens from present and future disasters.”
“VNU is grateful for the continuing engagement of DDPM with REDCON Asia. Through this partnership – we hope to spotlight the accomplishments of the Thai Government’s successes in its DRR efforts, its current programs, and what steps they will undertake to strengthen mitigation goals. We are certain that the region would be interested to learn from Thailand on this,” says Heiko M. Stutzinger, Managing Director of VNU Asia Pacific. “Disaster prevention and mitigation is an inter-agency effort – and having the key agency handling this coordination present at REDCON Asia would be the centerpiece discussion,” he said.