Singapore Releases 2024 Operational Technology Cybersecurity Masterplan


Singapore has released its updated 2024 Operational Technology Cybersecurity Masterplan. It is part of the country’s continuous efforts to improve the security and resilience of organisations operating industrial control systems, as well as those utilising operational technologies that support physical control functions.

The updated Masterplan 2024 reflects the evolving maturity of the OT ecosystem and the dynamic nature of cyber threats targeting operational technology systems in the wake of geopolitical and technological shifts.

As part of the updated Masterplan, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore will promote the adoption of secure-by-deployment principles to safeguard the entire lifecycle management of operational technology systems, from product design, deployment and maintenance involving multiple stakeholders.

Similar to the first edition, the 2024 Masterplan also outlines updates in people, processes, and technology to uplift cybersecurity postures as part of Singapore’s continuous efforts to bolster the cybersecurity of sectors operating OT systems and technologies. These updates include:

  • Improving the operational technology cybersecurity talent pipeline;
  • Improving information sharing and reporting;
  • Uplifting operational technology cybersecurity resilience beyond critical information infrastructure; and
  • Establishing an operational technology Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence and promoting secure-by-deployment throughout the lifecycle of the OT systems.

The Masterplan 2024 was co-created within the operational technology ecosystem, comprising over 60 organisations representing consulting and professional services organisations, institutes of higher learning and training organisations, critical information infrastructure owners, relevant government agencies, original equipment manufacturers, system integrators, cybersecurity solution providers, cloud service providers, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Singapore’s Cyber Security Agency says the Masterplan 2024 will continue to serve as a strategic blueprint to further bolster the country’s defences, ensuring a resilient and secure cyber environment for both critical and non-critical operational technology sectors.


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