Singapore Computer Society Releases Updated AI and Governance Book of Knowledge


The Singapore Computer Society (SCS) released its AI Ethics and Governance Body of Knowledge Version 2.0 in Singapore on August 22, 2024.

Concurrently, the organisation inked a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Advertising and Marketing Singapore and the Singapore Association of Motion Picture Professionals. The parties signed the MOU in partnership with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) under the TechSkills Accelerator initiative.

The Singapore Computer Society is the city’s leading infocomm and digital media society. The SCS says its updated AI and governance knowledge book will ensure that knowledge and principles in this field remain relevant and actionable, while the MOU underscores its commitment to building a digitally skilled workforce in Singapore and supports the city state’s vision of building a smart nation by enhancing digital competencies across various sector.

The AI and governance knowledge book, launched in 2020 in collaboration with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), has evolved to address the rapid advancements in AI. The GenAI update (Version 1.1) was released in September 2023, followed by the current comprehensive Version 2.0, which comprises 101 chapters spread across 10 sections.

The latest edition includes contributions from figures such as Goh Wei Boon, CEO of GovTech; Denise Wong, Deputy Commissioner of the Personal Data Protection Commission; Mr Yeong Zee Kin, CEO of the Singapore Academy of Law; BG Edward Chen, Defence Cyber Chief at Mindef; Mr Tan Kok Yam, Chief Executive at Skills Future Singapore; and Professor Yaacob Ibrahim, Adjunct Lecturer at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

“This version of the book of knowledge would not have been possible without the dedication of an army of SCS members,” said SCS President Sam Liew. “From the authors to the selection and review panels, this collective effort has resulted in a valuable resource for the AI community.”

Separately, SCS says the MOU is also aimed at equipping professionals in non-tech sectors with essential digital skills. “This collaboration extends SCS’s outreach, which already spanned six non-tech sectors and aligns with IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator initiative to foster digital proficiency across various industries,” an SCS statement reads. “These partnerships underscore SCS’s commitment to driving digital transformation in Singapore, ensuring that all sectors are well-equipped to navigate the evolving technological landscape.”

Singapore is keen to collaborate with governments and businesses across Southeast Asia to harmonise standards and share best practices, fostering responsible AI adoption throughout the region. As AI risks transcend geographical boundaries, SCS says nations must work together to ensure the responsible development and use of AI technologies.


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