IALES: Diploma of Security and Risk Management


Upcoming Diploma Course  

The International Academy of Law Enforcement and Security (IALES) will be conducting   Security and Investigation courses during the first half of 2012.All courses come under the ambit of West Coast Institute of Training (Government RTO) and are fully accredited recognised qualifications that can be relied upon to demonstrate professional learning and professional development.

Course and Delivery Location   
. Midland

Course Dates and Costing.

Diploma of Security and Risk Management 18 June 2012 – 3 July 2012 Inclusive   (12 Business days).

Total cost inclusive of all resources $2672.00

Each course has a maximum of 15  places.

Depending on the level of interest received further courses may be made available in the second half of 2012.

Participants will be required to enrol no later than 7 days prior to the course commencement.

This course is aimed at industry related professionals only, and at this time not open to the general public.

I envisage that not only course content will be valuable but the attendance of like minded professionals who bring a vast variety of expertise, thus providing an excellent teaching and learning environment.

For further information and enrolment procedure please contact….

Leon Pitsikas
Business Development Manager
International Academy of Law Enforcement and Security (IALES)
West Coast Institute of Training
35 Kendrew Crescent
Perth, Western Australia

Ph + 61 8 9233 1091
Mob + 61 (0) 408 923 022
Mob + 61 (0) 477 317 511



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