- Adds over 170 digital consultancy professionals to EY’s existing digital team
- Expands EY’s full service digital consultancy capabilities
Following significant growth over the past two years, EY has further strengthened its capability and resources in digital after acquiring Adelphi Digital Consulting Group Pte. Ltd. and Adelphi Digital Consulting Group Pty Ltd, award-winning digital consultancy practices in Australia and Singapore.
The Adelphi Digital team of over 170 staff will join EY in Australia and Singapore, with the business now branded as EY. Adelphi Digital’s CEO, Margaret Manning, will join EY as a Partner in the Advisory practice of EY and will be based in Singapore.
“The Adelphi Digital team are extremely excited to be joining EY in both Australia and Singapore,” said Margaret Manning, Adelphi Digital Group CEO. “EY has a very strong innovation consulting culture, which is a great match with our heritage in digital transformation and user experience design.”
Max Loh, EY Asean and Singapore Managing Partner, Ernst & Young LLP said: “Adelphi Digital has a strong reputation in the market for delivering leading edge digital experiences for clients, and their addition strengthens our ability to help companies seize the upsides of digital and accelerate their business transformation. Our unique advantage is being able to infuse digital into the multi-domain and cross-service line EY approach to help clients solve their complex end-to-end business transformation challenges.”
“Coupled with the recent opening of EY wavespaceTM in Singapore and recognition by Forrester Research as a leader in innovation consulting, EY is well-placed to support clients with aspects of their digital lifecycle from strategy; product and service innovation, and customer experience to technology development,” he added.
EY and Adelphi have both recently been recognized by Forrester Research. EY was recognized as a leader in innovation consulting services in The Forrester Wave™: Innovation Consulting Services Providers, Q4 2018. EY received the highest scores of all firms for “Current Offerings” and “Strategy”. The Forrester report recognizes EY’s vision and approach to innovation, highlighting how we are helping companies reinvent the value they bring to market through new business models, new products and services. Forrester’s evaluation helps CIOs, businesses and tech leaders select vendors that can help them strengthen these five central innovation competencies.
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.
This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd., a member of the global EY organization.
About The Forrester Wave™
The Forrester Wave is a quarterly review of Innovation Consulting Services providers. It assesses consulting services providers, reviews organisations’ core competencies for innovation, including innovation strategy, innovation ecosystems, innovation culture, innovation structure and governance, and dedicated innovation technologies.