The defence industry has affirmed its commitment to working with new Minister for Defence, Senator Marise Payne to secure the future of Australia’s shipbuilding industry.
Australian Made Defence spokesperson Chris Burns said the defence industry hoped the new Minister would bring energy and a new vision for the Australian shipbuilding industry.
“We welcome the appointment of new Minister for Defence, Marise Payne and congratulate her on being the first woman appointed to this important role.
Mr Burns said a critical first task for the Minister was to release the long overdue Defence White Paper.
“The Defence White Paper is key to providing industry with the certainty and confidence it needs to invest in technology and skills for the future.
“The Defence White Paper must provide a continuous national shipbuilding strategy which starts with a local build of Australia’s naval and non-naval fleets, and a commitment to building twelve submarines.
“Australia needs complex manufacturing, but without continuous, ongoing projects we will lose those skills overseas.
“It is clearly in the national interest that Australia has a sustainable national shipbuilding industry.
Mr Burns said he hoped for new direction to reinvigorate the sector which has been looking for strong leadership at a point when the Australian shipbuilding industry sits at a crossroads.
“The Federal Government now has the opportunity to pursue a clear direction for the shipbuilding industry; one that is consultative and protects the national interest.
“The defence industry has endured a great deal of uncertainty through successive Governments – we hope under new leadership this is a thing of the past.
“We look forward to working closely with Minister Payne,” said Mr Burns.