CyberBoost Partnership Unlocks Singapore as a Key Cyber Growth Market


UK-based Plexal, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have partnered for a new international initiative called CyberBoost. The partnership will enable UK and European startups to master their growth strategy, build international connections and access commercial opportunities.

CyberBoost has been established by the CyberSG Talent, Innovation and Growth (TIG) Collaboration Centre, a joint initiative between the CSA and NUS, which opened in Singapore this week.

The partnership aims to establish Singapore as the premier global cybersecurity innovation hub, fostering economic growth and addressing the increasing demand for robust cybersecurity solutions. Singapore is ranked the number one smart city in Asia and fifth smartest in the world, according to IMD’s 2024 Smart City Index of 142 cities, which places the country at the heart of the tech ecosystem.

Extending across two streams initially, CyberBoost: Build will support innovators when building their first minimum viable product. Meanwhile, the Plexal-powered CyberBoost: Catalyse, will enable startups to use Singapore as a base for scaling. CyberBoost: Catalyse will equip cyber startups from Singapore, the UK and Europe with the knowledge and connections required to fast-track their growth plans into Singapore, Asia Pacific and key international markets.

“Cyber security challenges are global, necessitating international cooperation and creating global opportunities for innovators and adopters alike,” said Plexal CCO and Head of Innovation Saj Huq. “Singapore stands as a crucial nexus for this progress. We are proud to extend our international reach by collaborating with the CyberSG TIG Collaboration Centre, established by CSA and NUS. Together, we aim to address critical challenges and accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technologies by nurturing cybersecurity companies at various growth stages. The CyberBoost: Catalyse programme will enable companies to both establish themselves in Singapore and expand into high-growth global markets.”

Startups on the hybrid Catalyse program, which will take place in Singapore and online, will be supported to master their growth strategy, build international connections and tap into investment and commercial opportunities. Crucially, they’ll work in the cyber ecosystems in Singapore, the UK and beyond, allowing them to gain a peer support network of innovators that share ambitions for scaling in new markets.


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