The 25th of November is the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It’s a big day being marked across the nation. But for me, tomorrow will be even bigger.
I have the huge honour of addressing both houses of the Victorian Parliament. This is no ordinary thing.
I’m writing because I wanted you to be the first to know what I plan to say.
I’m going to ask the Victorian Parliament to urgently implement the recommendations from the Coronial Inquest into Luke’s murder.
When I rise to speak, it will mean so much to know that you are standing there with me.
Will you back my call? Stand with me by signing this petition.
This is not just about Luke and his memory. It’s about making changes that will help prevent what happened to Luke and I from happening to other women and children.
It’s about every victim of family violence.
Luke’s inquest was one of the most complex and far ranging family violence inquests ever undertaken in Australia – the findings ran to 111 pages.
The long and gruelling process helped expose our deeply fragmented and fraught family violence system. It showed us why so many women and children who are victims of family violence are alone.
I was relieved. What Luke and I endured was acknowledged. Judge Ian Gray understood.
He delivered 29 recommendations that provide an urgent roadmap for transforming the safety, justice and survival of children and women enduring family violence and for perpetrator accountability.
So now I am asking you to sign a petition that says you are there with me when I rise to speak tomorrow. Please stand with me in the Victorian Parliament and help me highlight the importance of these recommendations.
And this isn’t just about Victoria. It has started here because it was Luke’s home, but if implemented these recommendations will provide an essential framework for reform in every state and territory.
This is so important.
Best wishes, Rosie
And the Never Alone team