Good Technology Delivers Lower Mobile Cost of Ownership and Higher Quality of Service


GOOD TECHNOLOGY LOGOOnline calculator enables enterprises to measure and optimise total mobile cost of ownership

Good Technology, the leader in secure mobility, has introduced a new Mobile Cost of Ownership (MCO) Analyzer, enabling organisations to learn and understand the key drivers of their mobile cost, benchmark against peers and identify areas for improvement. The new tool allows enterprises to reduce the cost of mobility deployments by addressing device, carrier, labor and infrastructure costs. It also provides each organisation with a custom blueprint for lowering their overall costs.

Whether a business decides to roll out BYOD, COPE or a combination, there’s cost and complexity involved. Between devices, phone contracts, infrastructure as well as operational and support costs, the TCO for mobile can quickly escalate. Few organisations accurately track the total cost of their mobile investments, or even identify all the cost components within their mobile deployments. In fact, a recent survey revealed that over two-thirds of organisations underestimate their own enterprise mobile costs.

“Cost containment is a hot topic in IT today. Attempts to limit mobile costs have led organisations to adopt policies such as BYOD,” said Brian Reed, chief mobility evangelist, Good Technology. “But many organisations find that BYOD doesn’t save them what they expected. And that’s because approximately 40 percent of all mobile costs relate to support and operations rather than device costs. By failing to identify and optimise key mobile cost drivers, they are effectively wasting money.”

The new MCO analyser complements Good’s substantial investment in capabilities to enable organisations to control their mobile costs including Good Mobile Service Management (MSM). MSM monitors mobile transactions end-to-end to optimise the performance of the mobile infrastructure and to troubleshoot mobile issues faster – reducing support and operating costs for the business and making the mobile experience faster and easier for every employee. IT departments can also manage multiple platforms and mobile operating systems through a single console, enabling them to gain increased operational efficiencies and lower help desk costs.

Reed added, “An organisation with 1,000 mobilised employees with an average cost structure could save over half a million dollars annually with MSM. At the same time, they can ensure a smooth user experience and a consistent, resilient quality of service.”

To get your own personal assessment of your mobile costs, please visit:

Click here for more information about Mobile Service Management.


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