Security Fundamentals Tour of Israel 2013


My Security Media Pty Limited is organising a Security Fundamentals Tour of Israel. The Tour is based on the First Government to Government Homeland Security Mission to Israel in 2009.

In addition to an impressive tour schedule, we have recently secured the interest of a film production company, who will develop a television documentary (approx 60 minutes duration) relating to the Tour. The documentary will examine the pinnacles of knowledge and expertise in modern security.

The project will include filming in Israel and Australia to highlight the comparisons and contrasts between security approaches in each of the two countries. The production will be produced and directed for mainstream media television viewing, with additional filming/editing designed to allow specific industry issues to be covered for special interest purposes.

This is truly a unique opportunity that requires key industry organisations to support and we are actively seeking interest in corporate sponsorship to fund film production.

To allow the documentary venture to develop, we have re-scheduled our Tour of Israel to June 2013. To register your interest and to find out more, please contact us directly at

Once again, we hope this issue has demonstrated the breadth of the security profession and the exciting challenges we all face, albeit to different degrees. I encourage you to visit the ASM website, enjoy MySecurity TV and engage with us via our social media. I welcome and look forward to hearing your feedback.

Israel continues to be a recognised world leader in Homeland and Critical Infrastructure Security, together with combating long held threats and in fields of security technology and innovations. There is already close synergies and cooperation between Australia and Israel in sectors such as thermal energy, water resource management, agriculture and biomedicine.

The Security Fundamentals Tour of Israel has been designed to provide a select group of security specialists and professionals with an insight into Israel’s critical infrastructure security and what continues to drive Israel to be one of the leading security technology providers. This kind of event provides an ideal setting for creating loyal security ambassadors, business opportunities and international exposure.

The purpose of the mission is to share knowledge on emerging security research, methodologies and technologies in specialist security fields and industries, to meet with Israeli counterparts, and gain an appreciation of Israel’s culture, growth and direction. In short, what is happening in Israel in terms of security approaches and technology and benchmarking this to Australia’s security applications and body of knowledge. If you are a security professional, whether in government or the private sector, you would be well advised to closely monitor Israel and the broader issues and activities which continue in the Middle East. The ties between Australia and Israel are strong and look set to continue to grow. If you are an innovative individual, company or organisation, and seeking out the interesting and unexpected outcomes and opportunities that the Israel security sector offers, customised meetings can be organised. All delegates will meet with a wide range of senior government and industry representatives, private companies and professionals. The Mission will provide the opportunity for enhanced global exposure and Israel is considered an essential market to benchmark against. The Security Fundamentals Mission to Israel will be held between 9-15 June, 2013.

Key Security Themes
Border Security, Energy Security, Transport Security (Maritime & Aviation), Iconic Public Venues, Public Health, Emergency Management, Cyber Security & Research.

Included Tour Highlights
Dead Sea, Mt Masada, Old City & Holy Temple, Holocaust Museum.

Tour Facilitators
Chris Cubbage (ex Perth, AUST.), and Tomer Benito (ex L.A, US) Contact Chris with your expression of interest at:

Costs are all inclusive of flights and accommodation. There is opportunity to customise a theme expansion or business development with professional assistance of the Australia- Israel Chamber of Commerce (WA).

9th of June 2013 to the 15th of June 2013.

Academic Credit
On completion of the tour, delegates may apply for individual academic credit to Edith Cowan University within the Security Management program.

Government Endorsement
The tour has been formally endorsed by the Israel Trade Commission & Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute.

Sponsorship opportunities are available with exposure via all MySecurity Media Channels, including the Australian Security Magazine, MySecurity TV, AICC(WA) and Israel Trade Commission. Provisions in Sponsorship package includes My Security TV Productions.

Location/Venue Theme

Sun 9th • Holocaust Museum, Old City & Holy Temple • Day Tour: History & Political Geography

Mon 10th • Dead Sea, Mt Masada • Day Tour: History & Political Geography

Tues 11th • Israeli Parliament House & Foreign Affairs • The Old City – Waling Wall and Holy Temple • Separation Wall, East Jerusalem • Protecting Symbolic & Public Venues. Security Operations and Screening – Security Headquarters. Border Protection and Surveillance.

Wed 12th • INSS – Institute for National Security Studies • Tel Aviv University • Azrieli Towers & Shopping Malls • Current National Security Research Overview. Education Precincts. Corporate and Commercial Precinct Security.

Thurs 13th • Ha’Shalom Train Station • Tel Aviv Entertainment District • Tel Aviv Hospital • Public Transport Security. Tel Aviv Police – Community Safety and Security. Medical Centre Security and Emergency Management.

Fri 14th • Ashdod Sea Port • Israel’s Electric Company • National Emergency Management Authority • Port Security & Customs. Critical Infrastructure Protection. Operations Centre Tour.

Fri 14th • Ben Gurion International Airport Aviation • Security, Passenger Screening & Deterrence Applications.


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